Showing posts with label Get Rid of Edema. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Get Rid of Edema. Show all posts
What is Edema?
In your healthy body, water is regulated tightly. It may serve as an essential constituent of your body but in excessive amount, it may harm you. Normally, water is found in our blood. The space among cells does not contain free water. When there is an abnormal amount of water found in this space, we called it edema.
What is the cause of edema?
After absorbed in your intestine, water enters your blood and circulates through your body in blood vessels. The blood is pumped by the heart. Proteins in your blood, e.g. albumin, keep water inside the vessel wall. When water reaches the kidney, it will undergo filtration and become urine. Any disturbance in this delicate system will result in excessive amount of water in your beloved body.
The most common cause of edema is heart problem. This medical condition commonly affects the elderly. In this condition, the heart fails to pump the blood. In this stagnant blood, the pressure builds up. If left untreated, the abominable pressure will force the water component of your blood to cross the vessel wall. The result is edema.
The next common cause of edema is kidney failure. In this condition, your body cannot eliminate the water. It results in excessive amount of water in your body. Due to the excessive pressure in vessel, water crosses the vessel wall and accumulates in the space among cells.
Another cause of edema is lack of albumin. Albumin is a protein that holds the water inside the vessel. If your body becomes deficient in albumin, the water will cross the vessel wall and be deposited among cells.
The last but not the least cause is inflammation. This condition makes holes in your blood vessels, permitting the water crossing the vessel wall, being deposited among your cells and resulting in edema
The Symptoms of Edema
The most common symptoms of edema is swelling of your feet. Typically, this swellingoccurs when your feet become dependent after some amount of time, such as sitting or standing for a long time. If you are bed-ridden, the swelling can be found at your buttocks. This swelling will decrease if you elevate the affected limbs, or when you walk.
All parts of your body can be affected by edema. Your eyes and genital can be affected too. If all of your body is affected, it is called edema anasarca. When your lung is affected, the condition becomes much worse. You may find difficulties in breathing. This is a life-threatening emergency.
Another common symptom is pitting. When you squeeze the affected part of your body, essentially you displace the water accumulated there, resulting in an indentation that persists after you lift your hand. The indentation will remain for some amount of time.
Remedies for edema
Usually when you come to doctor you will receive a bunch of medications. Some of these drugs are hydrochlorothiazide and furosemide. There are some problems with this. The drugs may undermine your body capacity to heal it. Conversely, sometime the amounts of the required drugs become so enormous. In that case, their side effects actually become a burden for your body, leading to a vicious cycle. You become sicker.
Remedies Offered by Mother Nature
Why not use the healing capacity of your body? Why not use the herbals found in nature? There are many natural substances that may help you. They are green tea leaf, Buchu leaf, juniper berry, parsley, uva ursi leaf, dandelion, hydrangea root, corn silk, and vitamin B1. These amazing herbals have been used in traditional medicine for centuries and their beneficial effect have been proven just recently. Do you that in addition to their diuretic effect, they also contain antioxidants and vitamins for your health? Fascinating, aren’t they?
Only with you we share the last secret. All of these beneficial substances have already be packagedviasterile process into a capsule called SwellNoMore. Under consultation with your doctor, you may take 2 pills of SwellNoMore in the morning with breakfast. Observe its dramatic effect in 2-3 days. Order now at and share this secret with your friends.
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