I’m a doctor that has specialized in eye health for over 25 years. In this article I’m going to discuss how to get rid of bags under the eyes including their causes and a variety of safe and natural treatments. I will also discuss some intrusive medical options which I do not recommend.
Puffy eyes, swollen eyelids, dark circles under eyes and bags under the eyes are common symptoms for both men and women. They have such a drastic effect on ones appearance that patients commonly seek medical advice to reduce or eliminate these problems. And it is not uncommon for doctors to prescribe the wrong pharmaceuticals and other dangerous procedures. This is why I have decided to write this article to clarify some really important facts and solutions.
- What Causes Bags Under Eyes?
To begin it is important to understand what causes bags under the eyes. The most common causes are the water retention as well as inflamed tissue under the eyes. These symptoms can be remedied which I explain below. However, bags under the eyes can also be simply caused by excessive skin. This is a common result of excessive weight loss. As one loses excessive weight the skin becomes lose and commonly tends to fold and appear as bags under the eyes. Unfortunately there are no natural remedies for this. You can seek cosmetic surgery to have this excess skin removed, or you can also seek injections to fill the loose skin. I would be very cautious with either of these solutions as they can cause irreversible damage.
- Bags Under Eyes Symptoms
For those of you who have bags under the eyes which are caused by water retention or tissue inflammation, there are some very simple natural remedies. To determine if you’re cause is fluid retention simply press the bags under the eyes and touch to determine the existence of fluid. You should also be able to determine if you’re skin is inflamed, as it will tend to be reddish, it may feel sensitive and it will appear swollen. As I mentioned, water retention and inflammation are the most common causes and are quite typical.
- Natural Home Remedies for Bags Under Eyes
To remedy these two problems the first place to start is to review one’s diet. And the easiest place to start with one’s diet is to eliminate what is called the two white poisons: salt and refined sugars. Both of these toxic ingredients can rapidly contribute to bags under the eyes, as well as puffy eyes above the eyelids. Sodium or salt causes inflammation and as well as dehydration and water retention. All three of these combine to cause bags under the eyes.
Refined sugar is now known to be highly toxic and causes massive inflammation throughout the body. Just try eliminating salt and sugar for two days and notice the changes this can have on your facial appearance and particularly Puffy Eyes and Bags under the eyes. Combining this elimination with consuming at least eight glasses of water and day and you will see results very quickly. Another simple elimination which can have a significant effect is to remove gluten from your diet. This is a protein found in wheat and it contributes to bloating and swelling of the face and other extremities in a large proportion of the population. Even if you are not allergic to gluten it can have a contributing effect to bags under the eyes.
Refined sugar is now known to be highly toxic and causes massive inflammation throughout the body. Just try eliminating salt and sugar for two days and notice the changes this can have on your facial appearance and particularly Puffy Eyes and Bags under the eyes. Combining this elimination with consuming at least eight glasses of water and day and you will see results very quickly. Another simple elimination which can have a significant effect is to remove gluten from your diet. This is a protein found in wheat and it contributes to bloating and swelling of the face and other extremities in a large proportion of the population. Even if you are not allergic to gluten it can have a contributing effect to bags under the eyes.
Cold compression can be soothing and can make sensitive eyes feel better but they are not a true solution. Remedying bags under the eyes must be cured from within. Examples of cold compression include chilled spoons, cucumber slices, chilled tea bags and even potato peals. While they might feel good they have little effect on the swelling. Some recommend preparation H which is a hemorrhoid cream, to tighten the skin and reduce bags under the eyes. While this does have an effect on tightening the skin its ultimate effect on swelling is marginal and not a true solution.
- Medicine, Drugs & Pills for Bags Under Eyes
The solution I most commonly recommend to my patients for how to get rid of bags under eyes which are caused by retained fluids and inflammation is a Natural Dietary Supplement specifically formulated for swollen eyes, swollen feet and swollen ankles. It’s called SwellNoMore and it draws out water retention while also reducing harmful inflammation. I’ve been recommending this product to my patients since 2011 and have never had any negative feedback whatsoever. You take two supplements daily with water and breakfast and you will see dramatic results within three days.
I do hope you found this article useful. And I do strongly encourage anyone considering surgery or pharmaceuticals to consult a trustworthy doctor before making such a decision regarding how to get rid of bags under the eyes.