What is Edema?
In your healthy body, water is regulated tightly. It may serve as an essential constituent of your body but in excessive amount, it may harm you. Normally, water is found in our blood. The space among cells does not contain free water. When there is an abnormal amount of water found in this space, we called it edema.
What is the cause of edema?
After absorbed in your intestine, water enters your blood and circulates through your body in blood vessels. The blood is pumped by the heart. Proteins in your blood, e.g. albumin, keep water inside the vessel wall. When water reaches the kidney, it will undergo filtration and become urine. Any disturbance in this delicate system will result in excessive amount of water in your beloved body.
The most common cause of edema is heart problem. This medical condition commonly affects the elderly. In this condition, the heart fails to pump the blood. In this stagnant blood, the pressure builds up. If left untreated, the abominable pressure will force the water component of your blood to cross the vessel wall. The result is edema.
The next common cause of edema is kidney failure. In this condition, your body cannot eliminate the water. It results in excessive amount of water in your body. Due to the excessive pressure in vessel, water crosses the vessel wall and accumulates in the space among cells.
Another cause of edema is lack of albumin. Albumin is a protein that holds the water inside the vessel. If your body becomes deficient in albumin, the water will cross the vessel wall and be deposited among cells.
The last but not the least cause is inflammation. This condition makes holes in your blood vessels, permitting the water crossing the vessel wall, being deposited among your cells and resulting in edema
The Symptoms of Edema
The most common symptoms of edema is swelling of your feet. Typically, this swellingoccurs when your feet become dependent after some amount of time, such as sitting or standing for a long time. If you are bed-ridden, the swelling can be found at your buttocks. This swelling will decrease if you elevate the affected limbs, or when you walk.
All parts of your body can be affected by edema. Your eyes and genital can be affected too. If all of your body is affected, it is called edema anasarca. When your lung is affected, the condition becomes much worse. You may find difficulties in breathing. This is a life-threatening emergency.
Another common symptom is pitting. When you squeeze the affected part of your body, essentially you displace the water accumulated there, resulting in an indentation that persists after you lift your hand. The indentation will remain for some amount of time.
Remedies for edema
Usually when you come to doctor you will receive a bunch of medications. Some of these drugs are hydrochlorothiazide and furosemide. There are some problems with this. The drugs may undermine your body capacity to heal it. Conversely, sometime the amounts of the required drugs become so enormous. In that case, their side effects actually become a burden for your body, leading to a vicious cycle. You become sicker.
Remedies Offered by Mother Nature
Why not use the healing capacity of your body? Why not use the herbals found in nature? There are many natural substances that may help you. They are green tea leaf, Buchu leaf, juniper berry, parsley, uva ursi leaf, dandelion, hydrangea root, corn silk, and vitamin B1. These amazing herbals have been used in traditional medicine for centuries and their beneficial effect have been proven just recently. Do you that in addition to their diuretic effect, they also contain antioxidants and vitamins for your health? Fascinating, aren’t they?
Only with you we share the last secret. All of these beneficial substances have already be packagedviasterile process into a capsule called SwellNoMore. Under consultation with your doctor, you may take 2 pills of SwellNoMore in the morning with breakfast. Observe its dramatic effect in 2-3 days. Order now at SwellNoMore.com/shop and share this secret with your friends.
how to get rid of dark circles
Dark circles under the eyes are a common problem for both men and women once they are middle aged. While it is somewhat hereditary, there are specific natural remedies to remove dark circles quite easily for most people. Furthermore, there are simple and natural remedies commonly used by models and actors to quickly get rid of dark circles under eyes, which we share in this article.
What causes of dark circles under the eyes?
In addition to being hereditary, dark circles under the eyes are caused a number of completely unrelated factors. Many of them are medical conditions, but most of them can be resolved naturally.
Allergies cause inflammation, discoloration and swelling around the eyes and facial areas. This explains why dark circles are often more pervasive during the change of seasons when allergies are triggered. Certain allergic reactions of foods can also trigger dark circles.
Fatigue or lack of sleep is a prime culprit. It is important to try and get 8 hours of good sleep a night. This means undisturbed, with little or no alcohol and minimal stress and worry if possible. Meditation is a great way to improve your sleep patterns. Even just 30 minutes in the mornings, and 10 minutes before going to sleep can settle your mind and relax you for slumber. Just before going to sleep, think of positive thoughts, eliminating all and every negative and stress related thought.
It really is important to avoid dehydration during the day. This can cause inflammation and discoloration around the eyes and other body parts. It is essential that you remain hydrated to ensure proper bodily functions and the well being of your key organs.
Eczema is a medical condition whereby skin becomes irritated and inflamed with blisters that cause itching and even bleeding. Eczema causing dark circles around the eyes is very common.
Sun Exposure
Excessive sun exposure can cause excessive melanin and even permanent discoloration under the eyes. This can also cause irreversible damage to the epidermis. The skin below the eyes is extremely sensitive and susceptible to sun damage.
Thinning Skin
Thinning skin which occurs with age can cause loss of fat and collagen under the skin, causing it to become much thinner and more transparent. As a result, discoloration occurs. Everyone is different and so the causes and solutions also depend upon the individual. However the good news is there are ways to get rid of dark circles under eyes without resorting to harmful pharmaceuticals or invasive surgeries.
How to Get Rid of Dark Circles?
There are several natural remedies to remove dark circles under eyes which all start from within and result in a healthier lifestyle.

dark circles under eyes

You can remove dark circles under eyes with sufficient sleep, which for most people is 7-8 hours per night. It is also important to have good sleep, which means proper resting will in slumber. Alcohol and stress and render 8 hours of sleep as not enough, so be sure to stay healthy and relaxed before going to sleep.
Drinking at least eight glasses of water per day can also help remove dark circles under eyes. Dehydration can contribute to dark circles and so drinking lots of water is good to remain hydrated and is also healthful for your key organs and overall well being. The recommended water consumption is eight 8 ounces glasses per day. This might sound like a lot however simply fill your glass and leave it in front of you all day and you will be surprised at how easily it is to consume that amount of water.
Avoid the Sun
The skin under the eyes is very sensitive. Try avoiding excessive sun exposure, and make sure you are always using sun block on your face and a hat, even if you are only outside for short periods of time. This is a good habit to get into as the sun does tremendous damage to the skin, which shows up later in life. As a matter of fact, the sun does the greatest damage to skin and between the ages of one and eight years old. So make sure your children are always covered up.
Regular exercise of 40 minutes 4 times per week is not only a great idea to remain fit and healthy, but it has also been proven to be the key contributor to extreme longevity. Therefore we recommend that everyone undertake a regular exercise routine as this also helps with your circulation which helps flush dark circles under your eyes.
Diet Of course eating a healthy diet is also important. Try to avoid processed foods, high sodium, refined sugars and glutens. Stick to lots of fresh dark colored vegetables.
Dietary Supplement
You can also take a dietary supplement that was formulated to get rid of puffy eyes and circles under the eyes. It’s called Swell No More and it reduces water retention and reduces inflammation which cause the dark circles under the eyes. It’s safe, natural and you will see dramatic results within 1 to 3 days. I recommend this to all of my clients and have been taking it myself for over four years.
Skin Camouflage
You can also simply conceal the dark circles under eyes by applying an eye cream and letting it dry for a few minutes. Then apply a creamy conceal that matches your skin color. Add on top a layer of loose powder which will help prevent the makeup from caking.

bags under eyes

As you age, you may experience puffy eyes because of the weakening of tissues surrounding the eyes. This tissue tends to sag and droop. Sagging of skin around your eyes is seen as bags under your eyes, which is often the sign aging. Young people have healthy skin around their eyes and healthy muscles will help to hold the fat around the eyes, but as we age the skin cannot hold back the fat resulting in 
bags under eyes.
Causes of bags under eyes
Apart from aging, there are other causes that make the eyes to swell. Some of the causes are physical stress, dermatitis, weather changes, hormonal changes, excessive crying, hangovers, sleeplessness, excessive weight loss, allergic reactions, bad diet, sinus problems, and genetics.
Symptoms of bags under eyes
Symptoms of puffy eyes include mild swelling under the eyes, dark circles surrounding the eyes and loose or saggy skin of the eyes. Other symptoms that can be present for puffy eyes are blurry vision, discomfort, eye discharge, redness around the eye, eye pain, burning sensation, itching, double vision, changes in vision, difficulty in seeing, and feeling of having a foreign particle in the eye.
Some of the serious symptoms of puffy eye are fever, nausea, vomiting, severe headaches, facial or neck swelling, difficulty in breathing, and chills.
What are the remedies?
If the bags under eyes are caused by aging, then there are only few options to get rid of it such as cosmetic procedures. If the puffiness of the eyes is caused by other reasons, lifestyle changes and home remedies will help you to regain the shape of the eyes. Bags under the eyes generally do not require any treatment as it is just a cosmetic problem. Medications and surgical procedure are considered as the last resort, if you’re really worried about the appearance.
If bags under eyes are caused by allergy, then your doctor may prescribe medicines to prevent allergies. Eyelid surgery is also used to eliminate swelling under your eyes. Other medical treatments include chemical peel, dermal fillers, and laser resurfacing that tighten and rejuvenate the skin under the eyes.
Problems with pharmaceuticals and surgical procedure
Pharmaceuticals that help to reduce the inflammation and water retention may cause side effects. Side effects of using medications for bags under eyes include liver damage and drowsiness. Surgical procedure can cause infection, vision problems, change in the position of eyelids and tear ducts, and dry eyes. In case of cosmetic procedures, the results will not last long.

how to get rid of bags under eyes
Natural remedies
Using natural remedies can help reduce bags under eyes without any side effects. The best natural way of eliminating this problem is to have plenty of water on a daily basis. When your body is hydrated, the probability of causing water retention under eyes and other body parts will be less. Water retention causes swelling of your eyes and other body parts.
Black or green tea bags can help to reduce swelling under the eyes as they have anti-irritant property. Inflammation and redness of the eye also can be reduced by using teabags. Chilled cucumbers can be used to reduce inflammation, dark circles and wrinkles of the eyes. Egg whites help to prevent wrinkles and tighten the skin around the eyes. Avoid allergens and get good night sleep to eliminate puffy eyes.
SwellNoMore is a safe and recommended natural remedy, specifically formulated for retaining fluids in the body and reducing inflammation. SwellNoMore is helpful in treating swollen eyes, ankles and feet. It acts as an anti-irritant, anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory remedy to initiate overall well-being of the individual. If you would like to get rid of the bags under eyes, then visit SwellNoMore.com to purchase this natural remedy.

What Causes Swollen Ankles?
swollen ankles and feet

Swelling around the ankles and feet can be caused by a number of factors. Some of the most common causes, among others, are:
=> Injury
=> Poor circulation
=> Pregnancy
=> Walking and standing for long periods
=> Certain medications
=> Premenstrual syndrome
=> Rheumatoid Arthritis
=> Swelling of the lymph nodes
=> High blood pressure

For the most part, swelling of the ankles and feet is simply water retention (also referred to as edema) coupled with gravity.  Gravity by nature pushes everything down and the excess water you are carrying is no exception.  As gravity pushes it downward it pools in your lower extremities (i.e. ankles and feet). This is typically nothing to worry about. If the swelling in your ankles or feet is accompanied by moderate to severe pain or other new or worsening symptoms, you may want to make an appointment with your healthcare provider.
The Symptoms of Water Retention and Swelling

Water retention is the body’s lack of ability to rid itself of excess water resulting in tissues holding on to more than necessary.
Some things to look out for when it comes to retaining water and swelling of the ankles and feet are:
=> Noticeable weight gain in a short amount of time, despite diet. There is a direct correlation between the amount of sodium consumed and water retention, which is a reason that overweight people tend to be more susceptible.
=> Pain is also a common symptom of swelling. This pain is typically mild and described as uncomfortable.
=> If you push on the area for a few seconds and your finger leaves a dent or a divet, that is a most definite sign of swelling in the area.
Problems with Pharmaceuticals
Doctor prescribed medications for water retention and swelling of the ankles are available. These specific drugs are called diuretics or “water pills”. However, like any prescription medication out there they are not without their side effects.
Side effects include:
=> Sexual Dysfunction
=> Gout
=> Dizziness
=> Increased urination
=> Unreliable blood test results
=> Increased sensitivity to light
=> Changes in menstruation

The side effects depend on the person ingesting the medication and the type of diuretic being used.

swollen ankles treatments
Natural Ways to Treat Ankle Swelling
=> Swimming is a great way to treat edema. The body is no longer under the effect of gravity so the water retained in the ankles will be able to disperse throughout the body, reducing swelling.
=> Relax and try some Yoga to help ease that swelling. There are a lot of yoga positions that are great for reversing gravity and getting that water moving around your body again.
=> Although it may seem counter intuitive, be sure to drink 8-10 glasses of water a day. This will help to flush out anything in your body that may be contributing to the swelling. Even better infuse your water with lemon and cucumber. Both of these have anti-inflammatory properties that are sure to not only reduce the inflammation in your ankles but taste refreshing too!
=> Also try SwellNoMore, an all natural supplement that reduces swelling in your ankles and feet with great results!

Some people go through life with puffy eyes, never understanding the cause or how to really cure the problem. To cure puffy eyes we must first determine the cause so we can remedy the problem. The most common causes for puffy eyes are allergies, fluid retention, inflammation, stress, poor diet and heredity. By making some simple changes you can relieve puffy eyes almost instantly. Here are some myths but more importantly some truths about how to really cure puffy eyes for good.

Sleep (Myth)
Many articles talk about sleep deprivation contributing to puffy eyes. However, there is no scientific evidence of this. Counter arguments suggest that excessive sleep contributes to facial swelling as well. Accordingly, if you have puffy eyes and are getting at least six hours a night, there are other causes.

Home Remedies (Myth)
There are plenty of home remedies out there, however most are not legitimate solutions but rather short term gimmicks. Some of these include: compress eyes with tea bags, cotton balls soaked in rosemary liquid, chilled spoons, cold cucumber slices or simply immerse your face in ice water for a couple of minutes. While each of these might have a minor effect, they are not long term solutions.

Cream and Serums (Myth)
There are over 800 facial creams and serums that claim to cure puffy eyes, and most with no or only negligible effects. The reason is that puffy eyes are caused by either fluid retention or inflammation, both of which are caused from beneath the skin. Puffy eyes can only be cured from within, by eliminating the cause rather than external applications on the skin. While many serums do improve skin tone and wrinkles, they are not cures for the underlying puffiness or swelling.

Foods You Eat (Truth)
Try cutting down on sodium and sugars. Both of these contribute to fluid retention and high sugar products can cause inflammation. Another common cause is gluten, or foods containing wheat, such as flour, pasta, bread and beer. Lately food manufacturers have been replacing gluten products with tasty gluten replacements, such as rice based breads or corn based pastas. People who have intolerance to gluten will find a dramatic reduction in facial swelling and puffiness, particularly around the eyes. You should also try to consume at least eight glasses of water a day to cleanse the system and remain hydrated, which ironically minimizes fluid retention.

The Only Real Remedy for Puffy Eyes (Truth)
Besides watching what you eat, and of course avoiding allergies, the only real remedy for puffy eyes is a natural formulation called SwellNoMore which contains 17 potent natural anti-inflammatory and fluid reducing diuretic ingredients which actively relieve puffy eyes and a puffy face. It works within 1 day or your money back. All ingredients are natural, with no side effects and our analysis confirmed that it really works. Visit SwellNoMore.com to try it risk free.

Ever wonder how actors and actresses never have a bloated stomach and their eyes are never puffy? Well, that is because many of them hire personal nutritional experts to consult them daily on what they should eat and what products to use. The truth is, as many of us already know, the serums and the eye creams don’t work. They just don’t last and many times they can’t reduce the buildup of fluids in the tissue because the underlying cause is from within.

So what exactly are these experts telling celebrities and other public figures? First they would put them on strict diets with a sodium level that they could NOT exceed (sodium makes you retain water) then they would go out and buy the best eye creams and serums to apply daily. They also would tell them to eat as many fruits and vegetables as possible, as they promote and increase the immune system and are natural anti-agers. However, the number one thing that the experts would make their clients do is to put cucumbers and tea bags on their eyelids 3 times daily before getting in front of the public. Usually doing this for 3 days would see results that lasted about 2 weeks. Then, they would be required to repeat the treatment on an add needed basis.

I have been working in the film industry for nearly 15 years and I was using these methods myself, until about 1 year ago. I was actually on set in Louisiana and one of the A list actors had told one of the production assistants that they needed SwellnoMore right away. Long story short and I am sure as you can imagine, the P.A. went ahead and called Swellnomore and had some rushed out. When the bottle arrived, I asked the actor (I can’t name for privacy protection) about the product. The actor swore by it.  I immediately went on the website (www.swellnomore.com) and started doing my own research. It is doctor recommended and so I decided to try it. The price was affordable and it is guaranteed to work or money back.

It turns out, that Swellnomore is a natural supplement with 17 natural ingredients that work in unison to reduce Puffiness and bloating. Some of those ingredients include Green Tea (natural diuretic), Brome lain (natural Anti-inflammatory) and Vitamin B6 (reduces water retention). So I decided to try Swellnomore. Since then, Swellnomore is the only thing I use and my problem is gone. Don’t get me wrong, I use a nightly and morning moisturizer, however, I am able to eat without constantly monitoring my sodium intake, I have more energy and most importantly all the swelling around my eyes has completely diminished. My stomach does not bloat up as much either.

The truth is Swellnomore has become a Hollywood sensation and as soon as people start learning about this little natural supplement that reduces their puffy eyes and swollen bodies, it is going to go mainstream. I guess the main reason I wrote this press release is because I am committed to helping people as much as I am to my daily job on set. I wanted people to know that there is a solution to reduce puffy eyes, swollen ankles and bloated stomachs. I had many days and nights that I did not want to step outside because I was so puffy around my eyes. I needed to share this secret, just as long as the owners of Swellnomore, Nutritional Solutions LLC, promise not to raise the price.

Swollen eyelids or an overall puffy face can make you look tired or sleepy. In severe cases, they can make you look like you’re sick or suffering from a bad cold. Because there are several causes for a puffy face, you might need to try several remedies before you find the one that works best for you.

Drink more water throughout the day. Dehydration causes blood vessels to enlarge, leading to water retention in certain parts of the body, especially the face, ankles and stomach. If drinking a glass of water before bed doesn’t interrupt your sleep, make it a habit. Also, drink a large glass as you wake up as well, so you can get your body started in the right direction. Put ice cubes in a large bowl filled halfway with water. Hold your breath and then lower your face into the bowl. Hold for 10 to 15 seconds. Repeat a few times or hold longer if you can. The cold water will constrict blood vessels and reduce the puffiness.

Talk to your doctor about possible medical causes for the
puffiness. Certain medications can cause you to retain water, and allergies, conjunctivitis and allergies –such as hay fever–can cause your face to look puffy. If there’s a medical cause behind the problem, your health care provider will recommend a change in medication or other adjustments to fix the problem.Lower your intake of sodium and salty foods. Salt retains water, which in turn causes puffiness. Aside from table salt added directly to foods, look for high sodium content in packaged snacks, soups, canned vegetables, salad dressings and sauces.Buy a water-filled mask or gel pack you can refrigerate and use first thing in the morning. To apply, lie down with your head on top of two pillows–the height will help the puffiness go down. Apply the mask on your face and leave on until it warms up or for at least 10 minutes. Then, wash your face with cool water.

Dark circles under the eyes are a common problem for both men and women once they are middle aged. While it is somewhat hereditary, there are specific natural remedies to remove dark circles quite easily for most people.

Furthermore, there are simple and natural remedies commonly used by models and actors to quickly get rid of dark circles under eyes, which we share in this article.


Fatigue or lack of sleep is a prime culprit. It is important to try and get 8 hours of good sleep a night. Which means undisturbed, with little or no alcohol and minimal stress and worry if possible. Meditation is a great way to improve your sleep patterns. Even just 30 minutes in the mornings, and 10 minutes before going to sleep can settle your mind and relax you for slumber. Just before going to sleep, think of positive thoughts, eliminating all and every negative and stress related thought.


It really is important to avoid dehydration during the day. This can cause inflammation and discoloration around the eyes and other body parts. It is essential that you remain hydrated to ensure proper bodily functions and the well being of your key organs.


Eczema is a medical condition whereby skin becomes irritated and inflamed with blisters that cause itching and even bleeding. Eczema causing dark circles around the eyes is very common.
Sun Exposure

Excessive sun exposure can cause excessive melanin and even permanent discoloration under the eyes. This can also cause irreversible damage to the epidermis. The skin below the eyes is extremely sensitive and susceptible to sun damage.

Thinning Skin

Thinning skin which occurs with age can cause loss of fat and collagen under the skin, causing it to become much thinner and more transparent. As a result, discoloration occurs.

Everyone is different and so the causes and solutions also depend upon the individual. However the good news is there are ways to get rid of dark circles under eyes without resorting to harmful pharmaceuticals or invasive surgeries.

I’m a doctor that has specialized in eye health for over 25 years. In this article I’m going to discuss how to get rid of bags under the eyes including their causes and a variety of safe and natural treatments. I will also discuss some intrusive medical options which I do not recommend.
Puffy eyes, swollen eyelids, dark circles under eyes and bags under the eyes are common symptoms for both men and women. They have such a drastic effect on ones appearance that patients commonly seek medical advice to reduce or eliminate these problems. And it is not uncommon for doctors to prescribe the wrong pharmaceuticals and other dangerous procedures. This is why I have decided to write this article to clarify some really important facts and solutions.

  • What Causes Bags Under Eyes?

To begin it is important to understand what causes bags under the eyes. The most common causes are the water retention as well as inflamed tissue under the eyes. These symptoms can be remedied which I explain below. However, bags under the eyes can also be simply caused by excessive skin. This is a common result of excessive weight loss. As one loses excessive weight the skin becomes lose and commonly tends to fold and appear as bags under the eyes. Unfortunately there are no natural remedies for this. You can seek cosmetic surgery to have this excess skin removed, or you can also seek injections to fill the loose skin. I would be very cautious with either of these solutions as they can cause irreversible damage.

  • Bags Under Eyes Symptoms

For those of you who have bags under the eyes which are caused by water retention or tissue inflammation, there are some very simple natural remedies. To determine if you’re cause is fluid retention simply press the bags under the eyes and touch to determine the existence of fluid. You should also be able to determine if you’re skin is inflamed, as it will tend to be reddish, it may feel sensitive and it will appear swollen. As I mentioned, water retention and inflammation are the most common causes and are quite typical.

  • Natural Home Remedies for Bags Under Eyes

To remedy these two problems the first place to start is to review one’s diet. And the easiest place to start with one’s diet is to eliminate what is called the two white poisons: salt and refined sugars. Both of these toxic ingredients can rapidly contribute to bags under the eyes, as well as puffy eyes above the eyelids. Sodium or salt causes inflammation and as well as dehydration and water retention. All three of these combine to cause bags under the eyes.

Refined sugar is now known to be highly toxic and causes massive inflammation throughout the body. Just try eliminating salt and sugar for two days and notice the changes this can have on your facial appearance and particularly Puffy Eyes and Bags under the eyes. Combining this elimination with consuming at least eight glasses of water and day and you will see results very quickly. Another simple elimination which can have a significant effect is to remove gluten from your diet. This is a protein found in wheat and it contributes to bloating and swelling of the face and other extremities in a large proportion of the population. Even if you are not allergic to gluten it can have a contributing effect to bags under the eyes.

Cold compression can be soothing and can make sensitive eyes feel better but they are not a true solution. Remedying bags under the eyes must be cured from within. Examples of cold compression include chilled spoons, cucumber slices, chilled tea bags and even potato peals. While they might feel good they have little effect on the swelling. Some recommend preparation H which is a hemorrhoid cream, to tighten the skin and reduce bags under the eyes. While this does have an effect on tightening the skin its ultimate effect on swelling is marginal and not a true solution.

  • Medicine, Drugs & Pills for Bags Under Eyes

There are pharmaceuticals which effectively reduce water retention as well as inflammation. However each of these have their own side effects and I am uncomfortable prescribing any of these pharmaceuticals to my patients. Side effects include drowsiness and even liver damage.
The solution I most commonly recommend to my patients for how to get rid of bags under eyes which are caused by retained fluids and inflammation is a Natural Dietary Supplement specifically formulated for swollen eyes, swollen feet and swollen ankles. It’s called SwellNoMore and it draws out water retention while also reducing harmful inflammation. I’ve been recommending this product to my patients since 2011 and have never had any negative feedback whatsoever. You take two supplements daily with water and breakfast and you will see dramatic results within three days.
I do hope you found this article useful. And I do strongly encourage anyone considering surgery or pharmaceuticals to consult a trustworthy doctor before making such a decision regarding how to get rid of bags under the eyes.

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